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How-To: Using Computer Program to "Split" a Large Track File

As I've mentioned in other blog entries about how some GPS Units don't allow you to load uploaded tracks with more than 500 track "points". As with everything there are many ways to fix a problem, this is just one of them. When done with this program you will have a new GPX File which can be used by any GPS handheld unit

Process Overview

  • Create a GPX file from your tracks - Garmin's Mapsource program allows you to save it's files in GPX format
  • Run program GPX Track Splitter
  • Load created GPX file back into your software - Garmin's Mapsource program reads GPX files
  • You will now have multiple track segments - each 500 track points or less

You will have to download and install on your computer the program "GPX Track Splitter" from this website (go to attachment section at the bottom of page). After doing the download, you will have to place it in a folder to be used - there is no "install" function.

Split the track points into blocks of 500

  • Start program "GPX Track Splitter"
  • Make sure "Delete Source Tracks" is checked
  • Make sure "Ask for Name of Tracks" is the selected option
  • Select "Open" and select the GPX file you downloaded
  • Use cursor to put checkmark next to the GPX file listed in the box on the left (word "Split" should now be bold)
  • Click on word "Split" in the lower right
  • A name box should now open up - enter a short name for the split track files (Example: HalScott)
  • Click "Save" in lower right corner - when file window opens up, select the folder you want to put it in and give it a logical name (Example: Hal Scott Track Split File.GPX)
  • You are now done with this program, close it
  • You will now have a GPX file which you can be used by many programs to load the tracks to your GPS. You can see my blog entry about using downloaded tracks from WIKILOC (

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