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Hunting and Hiking

I am a hiker, not a hunter - but I believe both activities should coexist in the outdoors. As you may have noticed by now, I have ventured into many areas. As I decide where to hike, I always look to see if any hunting is scheduled for the day I expect to be in an area. I do this for two reasons, one I do not want to disturb hunters and two I don’t want hunters to mistake me for something to shoot. I always carry something orange with me when I go out hiking in the winter, be it an orange hat or vest - just in case. I have come across a few hunters in my day, most all of them were very courteous and friendly. I’m sure they were not happy to see me, but they didn’t show it. I also have come across the remnants of bad hunters, piles of trash and beer cans - those are the ones that worry me. They may even be poachers, which I’m sure are the most dangerous people out there. I have found the remains of dead deer and hogs in the woods; I would suspect they were killed just for the fun of it. This is not the norm, like everyone else; the majority of hunters must pay for the sins of the minority!
I am asked many times about hiking and hunting - I wish there was an easy answer. I tell everyone to avoid hunters, just because they have guns. In most areas there are blocks of time when hunting is not allowed in an area, try and visit areas during that time period. If you do encounter a hunter, be friendly and move on as soon as possible. Remember that their license fees are helping to support many areas. That said; remember also to support your local hiking group to ensure that land remains open to both hikers and hunters.

You can see a calendar of hunting schedules I've created by clicking here (Hunting Schedule). You also can view this calendar from any browser, anytime by using the address -

You also can view hunting documents supplied by the State of Florida by clicking here (Florida Hunting Information). You can go directly there at any time by using this address in your browser -

Happy trails to all, hikers and hunters.......

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