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Bull Creek Area Cemeteries

There are two very old cemeteries located in the Bull Creek area. Both cemeteries contain graves of local individuals whom passed on prior to the 1900’s. One cemetery is located within the boundaries of the Bull Creek WMA, while the other is on private property. There has been much confusion regarding the correct names of the cemeteries. Records illustrate that many people have believed the cemetery located within the Bull Creek WMA was the Bull Creek Cemetery. Some confusion may be attributed to the fact that each cemetery seems to be named after nearby creeks. The one in the Bull Creek WMA is near Crabgrass Creek; it is the Crabgrass Creek Cemetery (archive documents refer to it as Crab Grass Creek Cemetery). The other cemetery is near Bull Creek, thus it has been named Bull Creek Cemetery. I have visited both cemeteries. Archival documents for both of the cemeteries are available via the Internet. I was able to update online, the status and condition of both cemeteries. The Crabgrass Creek Cemetery is open to the public, while the Bull Creek Cemetery is on private property and is not open to the public. The Bull Creek Cemetery is actually part of a fenced in private property area, which is located within the very private Desert Ranch property. Both cemeteries are in very good shape, maintained in many cases by family members of those buried there. The names on the markers represent old Florida, in most cases the history of the families represented are hard to trace, another example of Florida’s historical heritage slipping away.

Map Showing Both Cemeteries (click to enlarge)

Crabgrass Creek Cemetery
Crabgrass Creek Cemetery is located within the boundaries of the Bull Creek WMA. Documents as well as local lore may refer to it as Crab Grass Creek Cemetery, Lanier Cemetery, Deer Park Cemetery or Sumner’s Place Cemetery. Many people believed it was the "Bull Creek Cemetery", but that is incorrect. You can get to it by hiking in from RT192 or drive in from the Bull Creek loop road if you wish, [and have a hardy 4 wheel drive vehicle]. There is a sign on the loop road that will direct you to the cemetery. Access to the loop road is from RT192; take Crabgrass Road into the Bull Creek WMA. If you elect to hike in from RT192, I have created a trail map which can be viewed at Bull Creek / Crab Grass Cemetery Hike. The hike is very nice, but always be aware that hunting in Bull Creek is quite popular. As of this writing there where 22 graves in Crab Grass Cemetery - oldest being laid to rest in 1883 to newest being laid to rest in 2000. There is a cyclone fence at the entrance side of the cemetery, with a wire fence around the rest of the cemetery. The grounds are partially grown in, with paths leading around the area. There are some very old stone markers, metal markers from the Bass Funeral Home, newer stone markers and some other unique markers. One gravesite has a metal fence surrounding it. It seems that family members have left different items near some of the gravesites to remember family members. The people found in this cemetery were truly pioneers in the area. Sad to write that their historical anecdotes seem to have gone with them. So often in Florida, it is very hard to trace historical items.
Here are the links to the documents about Crab Grass Creek Cemetery found in the Osceola County FlArchives Cemeteries Directory – you can click on either one to view them now -
Original Document –
May 31, 2007 Update -

The GPS Coords: N28 06.091 W80 56.811

Crabgrass Creek Cemetery Pictures (click to enlarge) -

Bull Creek Cemetery
The Bull Creek Cemetery is located south of Billy Lake, on the south side of Bull Creek. The only way I know of to get to that cemetery is from RT441. That area is private property so it is not available to the general public. I was granted permission to visit Bull Creek Cemetery in order to do an audit of the gravesites. There are at least 16 people buried in this cemetery. A number have gravestones, while many have just a metal marker from the Bass Funeral Home. From reading the grave stones and doing some research, the inhabitants buried here are of all ages, from infants to adults. According to some of the documentation, there are some unmarked graves also located in the cemetery. A simulated wrought iron fence surrounds the cemetery site; this fence looks relativity new. I have no idea what the original fence was, can only assume wrought iron. Outside the gate is a long wooden sign, with the names of the people buried in the cemetery burnt into it. When I was there, the sign had been pretty much worn down by Mother Nature, so the names were not legible. At least one of the gravestones has been replaced with a newer one. One grave had a civil war flag next to it. The designs of many hand carved stones were very interesting. The inhabitants found in this cemetery were truly pioneers in the area. Sad to write that their undocumented contributions to Florida’s history seem to have gone with them. So often in Florida, it is very hard to trace information on historical items.
Here are the links to the documents about Bull Creek Cemetery found in the Osceola County FlArchives Cemeteries Directory – you can click on either one to view them now -
Original Document –
February 7, 2008 Update -

GPS Coords: N27 59.462 W80 56.475

Bull Creek Cemetery pictures (click to enlarge) -


  1. I have a (morbid ?) fascination with cemeteries. I've been to the Crabgrass Creek Cemetery, but not the Bull Creek Cemetery. I will find that one next.

    For a zoom in on Google Maps for a closer view:

    Crabgrass Creek Cemetery coordinates: 28.092778,-80.979722


  2. Just to let everyone know, getting to Crabgrass Cemetery is pretty easy - just watch the hunting schedule. To get to Bull Creek Cemetery is not at all easy. It is in the middle of a contract hunting area, so that is a problem. Don't even think of going there during the Fall and many Winter months. The cemetery is also located on Deserert Ranch land, so they must ok any visit at all. If you don't respect what I am telling you, expect to get into trouble.....Tom

  3. Roads Traveled PhotographyJune 7, 2022 at 4:36 PM

    The Bull Creek Cemetery is located on The Escondido Ranch.
    Access is only granted by contacting The Mormon Ranch.
    During the rainy season you will need a 4x4, you will also have some walking to do, I’d recommend sneakers.
    I posted some photos on Google Maps taken May 2022.

  4. Again, you must have permission to visit the Bull Creek Cemetery from the Deseret Ranch people, their offices are on Deer Park Road. Like the previous comment stated, it is not easy to get to it even after you have permission. When I went there the cemetery was inside of a hunting preserve, that is another major problem , don't even try visiting that area until after hunting season is over if the hunting preserve is still active.
