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Cocoa Conservation Area

This 166 acre conservation area is located just below RT524. There is no access from RT524, you have to enter at the end of Cocoa Bay Road. This is reached by entering the Cocoa Bay Development. Please, mind the speed limit and respect the residents of the development. Drive up and around to the picnic pavilion. Here you will find plenty of parking provided around the entrance to the conservation area. There also are ample picnic tables provided by the city in a well maintained pavilion. The conservation area itself is a very nice area with an old homesteader’s road running through it. I suspect that once upon a time it was used as the main road over to what is now RT524 and beyond. As you walk around the area you will see some remnants left from the original homesteaders. It has been my experience that the early 1900s history in Florida seems to have been destroyed. Certain remnants and discoveries from my wanderings (and GEOCaching) in the area are clues to a previous history now forgotten. I would always like to hear from anyone who knows the history of the area. There is a pond near the road where I did hear what I believe to be an alligator jumping into the water. I warn everyone to keep their pets away from this and any pond in Florida. Alligators like the taste of dog! There is a stone structure near the road which might have been what is left of a bridge or a dam. I tried working my way off the main roads and trails, but Mother Nature has done a good job of closing many sections off. Between the thorns, tight brush etc.; it proved to be a formidable task. I only spent one day there, if you’re into looking for something historical you might want to spend some time really exploring this conservation area.

As far as just going for a walk or GEOCaching, this is a very nice spot. I did see some of the locals doing their daily walking along the main road/trail. I have been asked if there was any unsavory activity going on in the area considering it is pretty close to many things. I did not see any signs of unsavory activity, so that is good. I always carry a good pepper spray dispenser just in case of anything – maybe even a rabid animal! As I stated earlier, there is a main road/trail leading over to RT524. Along this road you will pass through a few ecosystems found in this section of Florida. There were palmettos, pines and oaks, as well as some wetlands. There is a large lake in the conservation area, but I never found an access to it (I did try). There are some old trails in the oak hammock section of the area which were nice to explore. The only wildlife I spotted was a rabbit (I did hear the gator). Wildflowers in Brevard during the winter of 2013-2014 were just about nonexistent, that proved true in this area also – no wildflowers!

I would suggest that as you enter the area from the gate at the parking area, go down the hill and take the old road to the right and follow it out to RT524. You will pass through some interesting areas. This is not a loop, so head back to the original entrance. Now take the road to the left, you will pass through both oak tree and pine tree areas. If you follow this you will loop back to the original parking area. You can see my tracks from my visit below.

This is a very nice area which the city of Cocoa (with others) has set aside for conservation. If your into GEOCaching (see my website entry about it), there are some great caches located throughout the area. The open roads and trails are very nice to hike around on. Getting off the main drag seems to be pretty difficult! If you’re into challenges, take the time to explore the places no man seems to have been in a long time! When you do visit the area and notice someone looking through the brushes it most likely is a GEOCacher trying to find a cache. When visiting, look around at some of the historical items left by the early homesteaders. Bring a lunch and enjoy the picnic pavilion at the entrance. Much of it is open so it might not be the best place to be on a hot Florida day. Overall it is a very nice place in Cocoa to spend some time.

GPS Locations
Note: can use in Google Earth "Fly to" box - just "copy & paste" the coords to Google Earth to zoom to the spot
• Main Entrance - N28 22.993 W80 46.530
• Parking Area/Picnic Pavilion - N28 23.001 W80 46.701
• Old Dam/Bridge Structure - N28 23.030 W80 46.757

My hikes can be viewed/downloaded at Wikiloc –
• Trails/Wandering - Click Here

Some Pictures (click to enlarge) -

Main Entrance -

Parking Area/Picnic Pavilion -

Trail View -

Trail View -

Trail View -

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