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Irritating things in the Field

The most irritating thing that can be found out there in the woods is bugs! The worst one for me is the "chigger". The welts left by these things just drive me crazy. The next worst and very close is the common tick. To try and discourage both of these critters from crawling up my leg, I spray some deet on my stocks and shoes before each outing. Of course, if you encounter a swarm of mosquitoes, that can be brutal in it's own right! I have been in sections where I had to brush them off they where so bad. So all and all, any biting bug is bad, some just worst than others!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom,
    I will be moving to Palm Bay March 1st and discovered your photos on google earth while pulling up my new home.
    Let me begin with saying thank you. To be honest, my stress level was almost off the charts, and my excitement to be moving was right behind it. :0} After spending the last hour looking at your photos, I am once again filled with joy. Again, thank you, your work is such a blessing.
    Now, to my 2nd reason for this message. Instead of using DEET for chiggers and mosquitoes, spray Listerine. Also taking B-12 daily will keep the mosquitoes from making a buffet out of you. lol
    Well back to the photos.
