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Leave No Trace

My friends Fran and Vicki are dedicated "leave no tracers" and they have spent many, many hours informing the world of some of the things that happen when you leave something behind. Here is an example of what becomes of the trash left on the trail -
  • Banana Peel - a month
  • Paper - a couple months
  • Wool Scarf - a year
  • Cigarette Butt - 5 years
  • Disposable Diaper - 2 decades
  • Hard Plastic Container - 3 decades
  • Rubber Boot Sole - 7 decades
  • Tin Can - a century
  • Aluminum Can - 3 centuries
  • Plastic 6-pack Holder - 5 centuries
  • Glass Bottles - eons
Please think about this the next time you consider leaving something behind. To read more about taking care of our outdoors, see -

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